Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Today's weather was just to dang nice to spend it inside scrappin'... with the weather turning with a chance of rain. I am planning for a full day of scrappin' tomorrow so I will post some layouts and my wall project tomorrow. Sorry :(


  1. haha...I'm glad you enjoyed the nice weather! Can't wait to see your project though too! I'm sure glad I wasn't there with you guys this time, I'll save so much time by having you be done with the project already! lol...just teasing, I love you...even if you are a slow scrapper.

    I'm planning on 12-10ish Friday, then 11-8ish Saturday? I don't even know what I'm scrapping...that's not good.

  2. I am glad the weather was nice for you -- it actually snowed here yesterday!!

  3. Yes, you are right, perfection does take time, and your things are PERFECT in every are a genius, and there is no sarcasm there. I love everything you do, even if it takes two full days! lol.

  4. It was such a nice day should of been outside but scrapping was a better choice. Otherwise I might have had to do yard work. Yuck!
