No excuses this time the weather has been so nice all I want to do is lay in the pool~ I promise I am turning over a new leaf or at least trying to :) Here is some info on this weekends crop and I will post some great new layouts tonight and more tomorrow!!!!
THIS IS IT.... SCRAPBOOK WEEKEND!!!! I AM SO EXCITED :) Kami and I have been working all day on kits and she even did one herself and I have to say I think it is cuter than mine :) you are going to love it! I will have 4 new kits at the crop this weekend 2 I will post tonight and 2 I will post tomorrow! :)
Friday night 8/20 6PM- 12 MIDNIGHT
We Will start at 6pm with dinner.... Chicken Enchilada's, salad and a dessert. ( cookies or brownies :)
Debbie, Fran, Jacki, Racki, Christie and Nancy
8/21 Saturday ALL DAY ! Start time 11AM - 11PM Dinner ( Bring your own lunch ) Dinner is Chicken Jager Schnitzel with home made noodles
salad and dinner roll. Dessert cookies or brownies.
Debbie, Marilyn ?, Fran, Jacki, Patti and Nancy
8/22 Sunday Crop 12-5
No meal available
** So far I only have 1 lady Scrapping on Sunday - Janice. I hate to cancel , I need at least 3 ladies to be worth my time so if you would like to
join in let me know. Otherwise I will have to cancel. :( and that would be a bummer!
I'd love to see you all and I can accommodate 8 or so at each crop so RSVP right away so that I know who is coming! I can't wait it should
be a lot of fun!!!!