Friday, April 30, 2010

4/30/10 Utopia From Kaiser Craft

Here is a great NEW line from Kaiser Craft. Utopia ... I LOVE IT!!!! I might have to find this one! I really think purples must be a HOT new color in scrappin' lately I am seeing a lot of it lately. What do you think ... do you like it?

This is one of the great projects from Kaiser in their gallery. AMAZING!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

4/29/10 Bad Girl Layout

Kami is almost 15 and I can remember those days ... oh ya~ It was all about the boys. Last night her and a friend were giggling about two boys. Tonight I caught her in her room texting two DIFFERENT boys. OMG~ heaven helps us ... we are knee deep in the teen years. I think Keith was pretty easy so far. Kami might cause the blood pressure to rise a bit. :) Here is a great Bad girl layout with her in mind. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

4/28/10 Spring layout

Here is a simple and great spring layout. I used some great Basic Grey papers and Cardstock. Really simple and cute!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

4/27/10 Layout

So sorry things have been short and sweet lately. Keith's car is having issues so he and I were sharing a car. Then just when I thought things couldn't get worse Dave's Truck died. So we went from a three car family to a one! It has been awful!!! Well we are making progress on Keith's car and Dave's truck is now fixed. I am sssooo happy! With all that going on I had my crop,painted the downstairs and oh yes you won't believe what I did today. (My dad thought it was going to snow, and Dave said he has seen a miracle:)I did laundry! Not just a little - 6 loads and counting. With Dave out working on cars I had no choice. I was out of jeans and underwear. So I did laundry... I think it has been about 12 years since I've done any around here :) With that said I am exhausted and still doing loads. So I am keeping it short again tonight. Tomorrow is a Track meet and after that I hope to finish my project from the crop. Hint... It is the peace papers from My little Yellow Bicycle. I love them!!!

Pink Paslee Papers and embelishments.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

4/24/10 layout

keeping it short tonight.... enjoy!

Friday, April 23, 2010

4/23/10 Bo Bunny

So I really love the new Paradise Bo Bunny line ... I bought it, scrapped it, and thought I liked my layout. ( posted on 3/28 ) That is until I saw one in a recent magazine. Page one is pretty similar I added more embellishments and then had to create a page 2 on my own. I think they both turned out great~ I did 3 kits and they are already gone.... sorry girls :(

Thursday, April 22, 2010

4/22/10 Layout Happy Earth Day!

Today is going to be a crazy day. Keith is having some car issues... so he is driving my car...scary! ;? Kami has a track meet at Alder Creek ... where I work so
guess what Keith gets to drive me in at 9am and I think I will be lucky if I get home before 8pm. YUK! So here is another quick layout to tide you over till I get to post another. I did a really cute layout tonight and made it a kit for this weekends crop I am really hoping I find time to post it today for you all to see. If not you will just have to wait until Friday nights crop.... sorry:( You'll want to be early I think this kit will go fast! )
Hey ... Happy Earth Day! I don't know what to say other than that...I know it is a day to be kind to mother nature and recycle and do be planet friendly... but hey... could you just say .... Thanks for sharing this life on earth with me and I am soooo glad we weren't born aliens ... cuz we would all make some ugly aliens. :) lol!

4/21/10 Best Friends Layout

OMG!I lost all track of time tonight scrappin' for this weekends crop. I can't believe how late it is. So ... here is a layout to tide you over. Papers are from Basic Grey.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

4/20/10 Keith Layout

Here is a great boy layout. I think if I can remember this is a Kaiser Craft line.
I love blues and browns together! And guess what I actually think I have some great rock band pictures I am going to add to these!

Monday, April 19, 2010

New Blog

I am starting up another blog. Now this one I will NOT be blogging on everyday... I just don't have that kind of time. I have been in charge of art for our kids at school and one of my goal for my job is that I need to create a art carriculum for
my year end review. Well I have decided to start blogging some of my project since my phone is ringing... with cries for ideas from a few other teachers. So at this new blog I will be blogging about kids crafts. I just started tonight so I only have one post... but if you want to follow or check it out it is....

4/13/10 First Mate layout

This is one of my all time FAVORITE layouts. I just love it! I know what you are thinking page one of the layout has NO pictures. But you know what ... I love that about it. It is different and I think that is what I like most. ( It may also help having a cutie on the page... and yes that is Keith! )


What do you think? Here is a picture of my new pantry. Don't you always wish you took a before and after!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

4/18/10 Layout

This has been a horribly exhausting day! I have been wanting a nice pantry for 4 years now. The one we have in this house is nice but so deep you can't find anything. I finally talked Dave into it... and got my pantry! Only problem he made me help ALL DAY!
So what was going to be a day of relaxation and scrapbooking... turned into
a all day project of taking out the old, painting and putting in a new pantry. With ...and I can't forget 1 trip to Target, 1 trip to Fred Meyer, 2 trips to Home Depot and 4... yes 4 trips to Lowe's. I am exhausted just typing it... not to mention going there! :) This is why I HATE home improvement projects. Y'all know if us ladies are doing it there would be one trip to the store to get the goods and we know we would have THE MEASUREMENTS RIGHT THE FIRST TIME!! If not the first for sure the second...
and not the forth.Plus did I mention on the forth time we went to Lowe's we had to take back my favorite part because in order to keep my nice basket drawer you would have to take everything out and start over. I think I can loose the basket before I loose my mind.There probably would have been a divorce if that would have happened. AAAAAAHHHHHH!

So I promise tomorrow I will post a picture of the new pantry. Until then here is a
quick layout ... I'm off to bed and there is work tomorrow... thank God... as bad as work has been - after today... it is looking pretty good! :0

Saturday, April 17, 2010

4/17/10 Disneyland

Do you ever just feel like you need a vacation? Here is one from my Disney Album.
Look how little Kami was. We had a great time. Keith was so into all the rides and Kami was on the hunt for EVER Princess. Great Memories :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

4/16/10 What do you think about digital scrapbooking?

For me... I really wanted to try it. I just wasn't to sure about the expense, and then there was the thought that maybe it would be to hard. Well here is what I did and what I found out.... and just maybe I can answer some of your questions about digital scrapbooking.
I had been watching some scrapbooking shows on TV. I found them through my cable company by searching "scrapbooking" and up popped 2. One of them had a digital segment and she made it look so easy. I thought I would give it a try! I looked around at software and saw that the #1 scrapbooking software rated on the market is called Memory Mixer. So I searched and searched my local shops. It was impossible to find so I ordered it on-line. I played around with it and thought I did a great layout but when I got the print it was all cut off due to cropping. I found the trick is you can't lay anything off the page. Everything must be in the designated area and then it prints perfect! It really is easy to use after you play with it a time or two. Also it really is kinda fun and I seemed to create pages faster. Plus is you are using your computer and with everything going digital... most likely that is where our photo's are... so just a click here and there and they are added that quick.
For Printing your created pages I found that I can upload to Costco and print
12x12's for $3.00 each. How cheep is that!
Now ... don't get to excited thinking that you will NEVER have to buy paper again.
Not true. The digital program comes with a lot of papers and embellishments. But, I still wanted more! You can go to Memory Mixer on-line and select additional paper packs and embellishments and then purchase and download them in minutes! They really
aren't to expensive either and for what you pay it is WAY cheaper than a local craft store. The paper packs are around $3-6 and the embellishment packs are around $1-3
(vary's ).
Here is the biggest plus for me.... I really like to share my pages with my mom and mother-in law. Only problem is to do all my layouts 3 times can get really expensive ... really fast. So I like this idea for them and for gift giving. It really saves a lot of time and money. Once you create a base page you can print it and then add embellishments right on the photo creating what they are now calling highbread scrapbooking. It looks nice too and adds some dimension. I also found that ... all those Christmas cards we are paying for ... you can get the templete to create your own! I also like that I am able to use my saved layouts for my screen saver on my laptop. Everytime I turn it on ... I am inspired to scrapbook!
Here are a couple of layout I crated....

Memory Mixer Software I think it was about $50.

Here is what an additional paper pack looks like. You really get a lot of goodies for the small amount you pay!

Now that you know a little bit .... what do you think? Would you consider it ... and give it a try? Or NEVER!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

4/15/10 New My Minds Eye Sophie and Meadowlark lines.... you will just have to see!!!!

Minds Eye has 2 new paper collections. The SO SOPHIE line has 20 small collections that make up this one big collection. I just can't post them all
so if you like this one ... check out all the others. I LOVE about 12 of them!!!

The second one is called MEADOWLARK it is an all black and white line. Boy -I wish this was around when I did my heritage album:(. It's beautiful!
Look here if you would like to see it...(There are 2 lines that make up this one) line.

Here is the Charming,living proof set from the Sophie Collection by MME.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

4/14/10 My Little Yellow Bicycle Boardwalk

I am counting down the days until my local shop gets this one. I LOVE this line.
There are 9- 2 sided 12x12 papers and a bunch of embellishments. I have only added
the ones I like and plan to buy here on my blog but if you want to see them all look
I know you will all love it!
FYI: as soon as I can get my hands on it.... IT WILL BE A KIT and I am sure you will all want!!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

4/13/10 Layouts

I am exhausted tonight so here are a few layouts you may have already seen. I am keeping it simple and going to bed early.